our first API Academy video shorts

2012-11-16 @ 17:30#

i'm happy to annnounce the release of the first "API Academy" video shorts. i've been working with my colleague, Ronnie Mitra, to create a series of short (5 min) informative videos on topics related to the Web, APIs, and solution design/implementation.

looking for feedback

these first few vids are just the start. over the coming weeks and months we plan on doing more of these shorts on a wide range of topics. and we need your help. please check out these first vids and send us your feedback. You can comment here, on the YouTube site, or email me directly. we're looking for feedback on the format, on suggested topics, and even on how we could improve on this model (hosting a separate site, adding interaction, badges, etc.).

thanks for your help

any time you can spend on these and sending comments will be most appreciated. out aim is to do something helpful, engaging, and - above all - enjoyable. thanks for your help and let's see what this can become!