windstorm = no power here

2008-09-15 @ 00:12#

we lost power @ 2P EDT here. it's now midnight and we still have nothing. proly be another 36 hours before it comes back, too.

there's about 650,000 homes w/o power right now. at one point it was up to 795,000. we used the gas grill to cook dinner. candles for light once it got dark.

ticky business has been keeping up on the internet. we have a backup battery and only keep the cable modem and wireless router plugged in. so we turn the battery backup on for about 30 min every few hours. but laptops are starting to run low, too. i'll proly lug my laptop into the office downtown tomorrow to charge it up.

of course food and gas availability is an issue, too. stores are closed, gas stations, too (they need power to pump!). our fridge is stuffed w/ lots of fruit and cheese. no meat as we're veggie. but it's still a bummer.

should be an interesting week.
